Privacy Policy


FUJIFILM Techno Service Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "we") provides after-sales service and technical support for FUJIFILM products, refurbished camera sales, etc. to customers.
We recognize that protecting and properly managing personal information received from customers and employees is our important social responsibility. Accordingly, we have established a Privacy Policy to protect personal information, and we will strive to ensure that all employees are fully aware of and comply with it.

  1. Prohibition of Acquisition, Use, and Use of Personal Information for Other Purposes
    When acquiring personal information, we will acquire such information in a lawful and fair manner after clarifying the purpose of use.
    In addition, we shall use acquired personal information only for the purpose of use for which notification has been given in advance, and shall not use such personal information beyond the purpose of use without obtaining prior consent from the individual, except as permitted by laws and regulations, and shall take necessary and appropriate measures to achieve such purpose.

  2. Prohibition of Provision to a Third Party
    We shall not provide any acquired personal information to any third party unless otherwise permitted by law or ordinance and shall take the necessary and appropriate measures to do so.

  3. Compliance with Laws and Regulations
    We comply with all applicable laws and regulations, national guidelines, and other norms relating to the handling of personal information.

  4. Safety management of personal data
    In order to ensure the accuracy and safety of personal information, we will implement security measures and other safety measures, and strive to prevent and rectify the leakage, loss, and damage of personal information.

  5. Shared use of personal information
    We sometimes use the personal information acquired in collaboration with FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation and its group companies.
    When sharing personal information, we will conclude a safety management agreement for personal information between Group companies that share personal information with us and use it under strict control.
    Personal information that may be used jointly is as follows.
    • ・Items of personal information to be shared: Name, information on the department (company name, department name, etc.), title, address, telephone number, FAX number, e-mail address, voice, history of purchasing (including leasing and rental) products/service usage
    • ・Range of shared use: FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation and its group companies
    • ・The Purpose of the Shared Use:
      ①The extent necessary for the achievement of the Purpose of Use notified or publicly announced by us at the time of acquisition.
      ②Investigations, records, government agencies, and public organizations based on various laws and regulations
    • ・Managers of personal information to be shared: Fujifilm Techno Service Co., Ltd. Personal information protection managers
    • ・Acquisition method: Documents, electronic data, voice, etc.

  6. Continuing improvement of personal data protection management system
    We continuously review and improve our personal information management system through internal audit and management review opportunities.

  7. Response to Complaints and Consultations
    We will respond to requests for disclosure, correction, addition, or deletion of personal information, suspension of use, and complaints and inquiries from individuals without delay after confirming their identity.
    For inquiries about personal information (Contact for Personal Information)
    TEL:048-668-3613  FAX:048-664-8051

  8. Handling of Individual Numbers and Specific Personal Information
    We will separately establish the "Basic Policy on the Proper Handling of Individual Numbers and Specific Personal Information" with regard to the handling of Individual Numbers and Specific Personal Information.
    And we comply with the "Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify Specific Individuals in Administrative Procedures" and other related laws and regulations.

Established March 25, 2005
Revised April 01, 2022 FUJIFILM Techno Service Co., Ltd.
President and Representative Director
Hiroyuki Saito

■ Notification of Purpose of Use, Disclosure, Correction, etc. of Personal Information, Suspension of Use, etc.

In the event we receive a request for notification of the Purpose of use, disclosure or correction of personal information, a request for suspension of use, etc., or a request for disclosure of records relating to the provision of personal information to a third party, we shall promptly respond to such request to the extent reasonable, in accordance with laws and regulations and procedures prescribed by us, after confirming the identity of the person.

Please refer to here the request for notification of the purpose of use of personal information (retained personal data), disclosure, correction/addition/deletion and suspension of use/deletion based on the “Personal Information Protection Law”.
Information on Procedures for Requesting Disclosure of Personal Information

Please refer to this page for our procedures for disclosure of Individual Numbers and Specific Personal Information.
Basic Policy on the Proper Handling of Individual Numbers and Specific Personal Information

If you are requested to disclose or otherwise disclose Specific Personal Information, please follow these procedures.
Information on Procedures for Requesting Disclosure of Specific Personal Information, etc.

Privacy policy on the website
  1. Scope of Application
    This Privacy Policy applies to personal information (name, address, telephone number, E-mail address, etc.) provided through the website (hereinafter referred to as the "our site") managed and operated by Fujifilm Techno Service Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "we").
    If any individual site on the Site (hereinafter referred to as the "Individual Site") expressly contains provisions that differ from this Privacy Policy, such different provisions shall prevail.

  2. Storage of personal data
    ⑴As a general rule, customers may view our site without disclosing their personal information. Provided, however, that when we receive an application for user registration, e-mail news delivery, or inquiry to us, we shall ask you to provide the personal information.

    ⑵We will analyze your access to the website and use the results only for improvements to the site and marketing activities of us and our group companies.

  3. Use of SSL/TLS
    ⑴When personal information is provided by you through our site, encryption using SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)/TLS (Transport Layer Security) or similar security techniques will be used to prevent third party wiretapping during communication.
    If you use a browser that does not support SSL/TLS, you may not be able to access our site.
    However, in rare cases where these technologies may not be available due to the computer environment of the user, the fact that safety cannot be secured during communication will be indicated.

    ⑵On our site, we post our e-mail address for the acceptance of inquiries, and we may receive e-mail inquiries from customers.
    If you use the inquiry by e-mail, the communication content is not encrypted, and the content may be read by a third party who has intercepted the communication content illegally.
    Please be aware of this before use.

  4. Cookie (Cookie)*1 and similar technique, Web beacon*2, use of IP-address
    Cookies (Cookie), Web beacons and IP-addresses may be used on our site for the following purposes:
    ・To enable customers to provide customized services for each customer by referring to stored customer registration information when they are logged in to the authentication service
    ・To investigate the number of users and traffic on the our site
    ・To improve our services
    ・To remind customers who have passed a certain period of time since their use to re-enter their passwords (re-authentication) for security reasons
    ・In order to allow users to use their browsing histories and questionnaire results for marketing activities in the service of registering personal information in advance
    ・We may store and reference our cookies through a third party based on consignment to a third party commissioned to distribute advertisements.

    You can reject the use of cookies and Web beacons by using Internet browsing software (hereinafter referred to as "browser") to reject the receipt of cookies or by using the settings without displaying images.
    Note, however, that in such cases, some functions such as customization may not be available or services that require authentication may be unavailable, which may restrict the use of various services on the Internet.

  5. Use of Google analytics
    Google analytics may be used on our site to determine the status of use. Google Analytics uses first-party cookies to collect access histories to our site without identifying individuals.
    How we collect and use access information is defined by the Google Analytics Services Terms of Service and the Google Privacy Policy.
    As defined by Google Privacy Policy.
    For more information about Google analytics, see the following pages.

    Google Analytics

  6. Handling of link destinations of our site
    This Privacy Policy does not apply to other websites to which our site is linked. For information on the handling of personal information on these websites, please refer to the Privacy Policy of such websites.

    *1 "Cookie" is a mechanism for saving the usage history and input contents sent and received between the browser and the server as a file on the customer's computer when using a web page.

    *2 A "Web beacon" is a small picture file contained within a page of a Web site that records that a page has been accessed.

Personal Information of Customers under 16 years old

Personal information of customers under 16 years old must be provided with the consent of their guardians.

Revision of this privacy policy

We may revise this Privacy Policy as necessary in the process of continuously reviewing our efforts for the protection of personal information and making efforts to improve and improve it from time to time.

For inquiries

Questions and inquiries about personal information of customers will be handled at our contact point that informs customers.
Inquiries about "Privacy Policy" and "Privacy Policy on Website"

Contact point for inquiries about personal information (Fujifilm Techno Service Co., Ltd.)
Telephone inquiry times: 8:40 to 17:20 (Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, summer holidays, year-end and New Year holidays are holidays)

Inquiries about Individual Numbers and Specific Personal Information

Fujifilm Group My Number Center (within FUJIFILM Business Expert Co., Ltd.)
TEL 03-5485-7824
Telephone inquiries are received from 9:00 to 17:40 (Saturdays and holidays are closed).

Qualified for privacy mark

On February 27, 2007, FUJIFILM Techno-Service Co., Ltd. obtained the Privacy Mark Certification from the Japan Information Economic and Social Promotion Association (JIPDEC), which is given to businesses that have established systems to properly protect personal information.
Privacy Mark® System

Authorized personal information protection group

We are a covered entity of the Japan Information Economic and Social Promotion Association (JIPDEC), an authorized personal information protection organization.
The Association receives complaints and inquiries about the handling of personal information by target companies. This is not an inquiry about our products and services.
[Name of authorized personal information protection organization]
Japan Information Economic and Social Promotion Institute (JIPDEC)
[Contact information for complaint resolution]
Personal Information Protection Complaint Consultation Office
Address:106-0032 In the Roppongi First Building, 9-9, Roppongi 1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo